Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Here in Valencia, Spain, where the weather is at least 20 degrees and there is not a flake of snow to be found. (Sorry London!) I have forgotten how beautiful Spain is.
Since it is the winter time, the streets are not as busy as they were the last time I visited the country. Monday was a holiday here though, so the beach and boardwalk was packed with the locals (dressed in full winter gear of course), enjoying some of the hot sunshine.
Val took me on her own walking tour of the city, starting with the beach. We seriously worked up a sweat walking around in the heat, which was a nice change for this time of year!
Visiting the main square in the city center of Valencia at night, the Christmas lights were draping the trees and century old buildings, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Of course we dined on tapas and sangria, a tradition that I was very happy to experience again.
Shopping was an order Tuesday- the weather was not the nicest, so we spent our time weaving through crowds in the shopping district, visiting at LEAST three or four Zara's throughout the day.

Tonight we fly to Paris!!!! I could not be more excited... although the sunshine outside now is causing me to want to stay here just a bit longer, and avoid the winter weather for as long as I can.


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